We chose Livestock Guardian Dogs to protect our farm and heres a bit of our story.

Spring time is here and that means so many new baby animals on the farm. Ewes are lambing, chicks are hatching and cows are calving. These sweet new babies require extra care and extra protection. I remember so many sleepless nights hearing coyotes come way to close to the barn. We began looking for the best protection for our farm and came across livestock guardian dogs also known as LGDs. We were so intrigued but also so overwhelmed with the new information and breeds available. After lots of research we fell in love with Great Pyrenees.
Great Pyrenees are a popular breed of Livestock Guardian Dog for their many great qualities. Originally from the Pyrenees Mountains these beautiful dogs are loyal, loving and very protective. Patrolling both land and sky these gentle giants use their fierce bark to warn off predators but will absolutely do what is needed if the threat comes close. Great Pyrenees are suitable for homesteads of all sizes and they will bond to both livestock and your family. Knowing how fantastic they are with children was very important to us and we know this is a quality desired by many.
When we purchased our very first LGD we pulled up to a barn full of adorable white puppies being raised by both of their parents and a variety of livestock. Generations of working dogs was non negotiable for us and we knew this was a great place to get a puppy. She was happy transitioning to our farm and we named her Coconut. We started with the basics and fully enjoyed the puppy stage with lots of snuggles. Next came the animal introductions. Although she was raised with many of the same animals we had, these were still very new looks and smells for her. The animals were also very confused and wondered why we added this pup to their space. Everyday got easier and soon they were all piled up in the hay taking naps together.
Once we could fully trust Coconut we added our second LGD puppy and named him Slug. Coconut took on a whole new role mentoring our new young pup and she loved every second of it. Training was very similar as bringing home Coconut but this time we had her help with guiding Slug in the field. He slept in the barn with her and the stock the day we got him and didn’t miss a beat. He was her shadow throughout his puppyhood and matured into an amazing guardian. Truly a gentle giant, Slug lived up to his name and let baby goats use him as a trampoline. When the herd goes out to pasture he hangs back with new mommas and babies in the barn. He knows who is most at risk and he and Coconut use teamwork as she would go out to pasture with the herd.
As Slug matured we just new that this duo would make fantastic parents and began planning for LGD puppies. Coconut and Slug were 100% livestock safe, attentive and proven guardians when we welcomed their first litter of 8 puppies. We learned so much more about raising puppies and the importance of raising them with both parents working out in the field. Over the years we have added several more LGDs to our farm and have bred many liters.
I am very passionate about breed preservation, selective breeding and proving these dogs in work. We know the importance of trusted, working guardians for large and small farms which is why we are proud to offer Livestock Guardian Puppies throughout the year. Our puppies are trained on our farm with both parents along with four other adult LGDs. Puppies are handled daily by our four children and exposed to goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, cows, pigs, cats, chickens, guineas, geese and ducks. We believe a well started puppy helps set them up for success in their new homes. We also love following along with where are puppies go and watching them grow.
Our blog along with social media has allowed me to share all about our dogs and offer education on Livestock Guardian Dogs. We are available for consults with new puppy parents and are working on a course for everyone wanting to learn more about LGDs.
Here’s the post from our very first litter https://thecrooksfamilyfarm.com/new-lgd-puppies-available/