How to Make Whipped Coffee

Are you a coffee lover? Me too. I love trying new flavors and coffee drinks. I have owned traditional pots and fancy ones! I recently had an addiction to treating myself at Starbucks almost daily but that was really adding up so I was looking for a new yummy drink at home.

This whipped coffee is not mimicking a Starbucks drink but it is certainly very yummy! What I love most is that it is very customizable. I have been making mine with Cinnamon but you can use whatever seasoning you prefer.

To make this whipped coffee you will need a kitchen mixer.

First mix 1 tbsp of instant cofffe, 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of water and a couple shakes of your desired seasoning. Im really loving cinnamon. You will want to mix on high for several minutes until your whip looks fluffy and light in color.

You can enjoy this yummy cold drink anytime of the day!

Whipped Coffee

Total Time 6 minutes
Course Breakfast, Coffee, Drinks, Snack
Servings 1 person


  • Kitchen Mixer


  • 1 tbsp Instant Coffee
  • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Water
  • 1-3 shakes Cinnamon


  • "Whip" the Instant Coffee, Sugar, Water and Cinnamon in your Mixer on high for 4-6 minutes or until your ingredients turns fluffy and light in color
  • Spoon your Whip into your cup
  • Pour your Milk
  • ENJOY!!!