It has been a mild summer compared to the unforgiving temperatures occurring this week. Missouri is reaching temps upwards of 100 degrees and with the humidity it feels like 110-120. It is muggy and miserable outside and chores have been rough to get through! The animals are feeling it and doing lots of shade laying. We have cows, horses, dogs, cats, pigs, sheep, bunnies, chickens, ducks and geese. Heres a few tips were doing to keep our animals cool and I hope it can help you too.

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This should be a no brainer and fresh water is always important but right now dumping/refilling with cold water makes all the difference. I am not filling troughs all the way up so that it is easier for me to drain them multiple times a day so that I can refill with cold water. We use large galvanized water troughs but look how cool these auto waterers are!!!

This is looking like a must have Waterer
Our animals are really enjoying our barn fans. This is a must for all summer long but especially with this brutal heat. We have fans in the shaded stalls and they all gather round for some cool air. This also helps to keep the flies away.
Heres a link to Our Fan
The dogs especially are enjoying the cool water in the pools but even the cows are stepping in. The geese dirty them up quickly so these are also getting drained and refilled often.
Heres a cute puppy pool
Spraying Water
Sprinklers are a great way to wet the concrete and cool the ground. Doing this in an already shaded area is a favorite for our animals. The cows, horses, pigs and water fowl enjoy being sprayed directly with the hose on shower mode. A nice roll in the mud for the pigs helps keep their temperature regulated.
Cold Packs
Iced packs are very important for animals such as bunnies! Bunnies struggle in the summer due to the extreme heat. We are also doing cold rags and packs for our current Great Pyrenees Puppy litter. These pups are currently 3 weeks old and they enjoy laying against the coldness. Just be sure to use hard packs or frozen water bottles incase you pet chews it.

Most animals do really well regulating their temperates and with your help they can stay happy in the heat. Be sure to check your pets often and if in doubt depending on the animal bringing them indoors is always an option.
I hope these tips help you and your loved animals during this heat!
Don’t forget to hydrate yourself! We really like Liquid IV!
Happy Homesteading,
Samantha Crooks